I had surgery 6 weeks ago and that kept me pretty upstairs and outta my craft room.. I did come down one day as you saw but the constant up and down for supplies nearly killed me. lol
Then we were gone camping and enjoying some family time which was fabulous!! And since we've been back I've been trying to catch up some things around the house.... and getting no where fast!!
But I have a bunch of canning done so far and that's a huge win in my world!! I will post a list and pics and maybe some recipes alittle later this summer but for now I thought I would catch you up on some of the projects I have managed to complete! LOL
To start I made this canvas for my friends little boy. My daughters and I made her daughter one for her birthday in November. Now her son and daughter share a room so she was looking for something alittle masculine to prove he lives there too! LOL We also thought it would be perfect to coordinate the 2 peices so they looked like they belonged together... kinda lol
Hers His
I can't tell you the supplies we used for hers it was so long ago... But for his:
Grey, red, blk paint
Cricut Campout cartridge
Deedee's digis- classic truck
Cricut Paper Lace 2 cartridge
CTMH Keyboard stamps
CTMH Saddle ink
CTMH Marquee Uppercase stamps
CTMH Lagoon Ink
See you again soon!!
Love both canvases!